Privacy statement


This privacy statement is a detailed information for the users of this website regarding the german laws Bundesdatenschutzgesetz and Telemediengesetz how and for what purposes your personal data is processed from the responsible website operating company ginger-electronic UG (haftungsbeschränkt), Tal 44, 80331 München. You find our contact information in our Imprint.

The website operating company is seriously respecting your privacy and will keep your personal data confidential regarding the applicable laws. Please take notice, that any data transmission using the internet can raise security issues.

Data for website access

The website operating company collect data of access on this webshop and saves it into the logfiles of the corresponding server. The following data is collected:

  • visited website
  • date and time of access
  • amount of bytes sent
  • referral information
  • used browser type and version
  • used operating system
  • used ip address 

The collected data is used for statistical purposes only and for optimizing this webshop. In case of illegal use of this website the website operating company reserves the right to proove the log files in detail just in case.


This website uses cookies. Cookies are small text files stored on your computer via your browser. The use of cookies is for your convenience and webshop experience and can improve the safety of this website.

Most browsers can prevent the use of cookies optional. There might be functional issues using this website without cookies. 

Personal data

The website operating company collect and uses your personal data only if this is legal by law or when you agree in data collection. 

Customer account

To enter orders in this webshop you need a password protected customer account. In this account all actual and previous orders are listed. If you leave the webshop you will be automatically logged off. We are not responsible for misuse of your password as long as we are not responsible. You have to keep your password secret.


All data entered for giving an order from the customer are stored for delivery and order processing. If necessary the data will be given to third parties as long they needed for fulfillment of the task.

  • name, surname
  • address
  • payment data
  • email address and phone number when provided

Contact data

If you contact the website operating company with our contact form, your data is stored to process your contact request. We don't give personal data to third parties except needed data for fulfillment of your orders.

Google Analytics

This webshop uses Google Analytics from Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA) for analyzing how this webshop is used by customers. This service requires cookies - small text files stored on your computer via your browser. Data of these cookies are sent and processed by Google servers in the USA.

This webshop is using anonymous (shortened) ip addresses in member countries of the European Union. The shortened IP address gives more privacy to you.